Meal Planning 101


I’ve got your back. I know how it is, after a long day either in or out of the home, you’re exhausted and the thought of making dinner, let alone something that is Pinterest worthy has you running for a dark corner.

Here are a few things that I do to help get dinner on the table each night. Take what you need to help you.

  1. Get a white board for your fridge. On this white board, make a calendar of the week; Monday through Sunday. Also include an area for shopping with headings for the stores your frequent most. In our house it’s Amazon Fresh, Trader Joes, Whole Foods and Costco. During the week, when you run out of something, jot it down on the white board. In addition, take a look at your family calendar. Which nights will you be home, which nights do you have sport’s practices, etc. From there you can start mapping out the week.

  2. Compile a list of your family’s 10 favorite recipes. Either write them down on note cards or keep the list near the white board. On the nights you will be eating at home, add your menu ideas to the calendar on the white board. Looking for new recipes? Check out my recipes here for lots of inspiration.

  3. Utilize grocery delivery services. If you have Amazon Fresh, Instacart, Prime Now, Pea Pod or other delivery or pick up services in your area, I highly recommend you check them out. Although some of them have extra fees associated with them, I find that I actually save money because I am not randomly adding items to my cart as I do when I am physically in a grocery store.

  4. Prep once, eat twice or more. Pick a day of the week that’s slower, generally these are Sundays in our house. This is a great day to get groceries. Pro Tip: Wash and prep your veggies, fruits and proteins when you get them home. It will make meal preparation during the week significantly quicker, plus you will be able to see all of those amazing veggies in your fridge and not mounds of plastic bags. :) If you have time, roast off or par-cook your veggies and/or proteins for easy eating during the week.

  5. Have your kids help set the table. Not only is this a huge help to you but it teaches your kids responsibility and gives them a sense of participation in the meal. Bonus, have them help you make dinner!

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Susie LaneComment